Thursday, 26 December 2013

History of Internet

The History Of The Internet
[Source: alhamdulillah, selesai satu post's done but it can always be corrected, insyaAllah.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

The Story of Ammar ᴴᴰ :: Amazing Eye Opening :: Emotional Short Film

found this video just now when searching  for a malaysian who died in Turkey if not mistaken. very nice indeed. motivational element, good for ordinary people like all of us! be grateful with what we have and fully utilise it to the best, insyaAllah!
*Goodnite, salam

alhamdulillah, selesai satu post's done but it can always be corrected, insyaAllah.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

The Weakest Home - Domestic Violence ᴴᴰ ┇ Muslim Spoken Word ┇ by Kamal ...

*if i am not patient enough, i will fight back for my right, i will leave those who do not respect me or others according to the rule. The rule that Allah has given for us to follow. Very not afraid of those, never will i. Allah is the One and Only whom should be afraid of. If we are not allowing ourselves to follow sunnah, we are opening the door for syaitan to enter our sole. Do not blame others for the reckless that we have made towards ourselves.

Seorang anak yang taat, bukanlah anak yang redho terhadap maksiat yang dilakukan oleh ibu dan ayahnya. Malah seorang anak yang derhaka pula, adalah anak yang menuruti nafsu ibu ayahnya yang tiada batasan. Sekali-sekala memohon maaf, hanya pada perkataan. Apalah makna ikhlas jika ingin segera memutuskan tangan yang dihulur jabat tadinya? Apalah makna memberi maaf, sedangkan acap kali diulang kisah silam yang dibenci. Apalah erti kebahagiaan jika setiap hari membuktikan dendam tak sudah kepada keluarga, darah daging sendiri?

Bagai ketam mengajar anaknya berjalan lurus. Salah sendiri, dimarahi anak. Kelembutan seorang ayah terhadap anaknya, bukanlah merendahkan darjat seorang ayah, bahkan meninggikan berlipat ganda darjatnya pada pandangan anak isteri, apatah lagi dipandangan Sang Pengurnia anugerah tersebut. Kekasaran dalam mendidik anak isteri, hanya mengundang aib pada diri sendiri, umpama menjemput jiran tetangga mengetahui segala permasalahan sendiri yang tak mahu dibetulkan, hanya mahu didengari. Lalu bagaimana caranya menjaga maruah seorang ketua keluarga? menjaga maruah seorang isteri? menjaga kehormatan anak-anak yang dibela sejak kecil?

Malu. Contoh malu yang mengundang kecelakaan terhadap diri sendiri walau kecil. Malu menutup mulut dengan tangan ketika menguap. mungkin tak pernah terfikir atau terbayang. tapi sangat tidak beradab bagi seorang muslim yang mengaku islam, mengaku beriman. apa makna islam? apa makna muslim? sekecil-kecil sunnah ditinggalkan. sebesar-besar sunnah diabaikan. perkara yang diutamakan hanyalah kerjaya demi kehidupan. Pentingkan status diri. Sentiasa mahu menerima ucapan terima kasih dari orang bawahan, sentiasa rasa mahu menerima ucapan memohon kemaafan. Tapi sendiri, penuh hasad, penuh sangka buruk. Mengundang sakit di hati sendiri dengan sekecil-kecil perbuatan hingga sebesar-besar amanah yang gagal dilaksanakan dengan baik.

Kalau tak mampu buat baik, jangan halang orang lain buat baik. Jangan malu untuk buat perkara kebaikan walau sekecil-kecil kebaikan. Tapi malu lah andainya seorang ketua keluarga sendiri yang menconteng arang ke muka keluarga yang dibina dengan akad, saksi dan wali. Malu lah andainya menjadi ibu bapa yang tak mengajar cara hidup yang betul kepada keturunan yang dilahirkan. Malu lah andainya anak-anak mencari tempat bergantung selain daripada ibu bapa yang diutamakan selepas Allah dan Rasul.

SAME with the case of being a Teacher. No matter who we are, sooner or later, we would be more experience in anything regarding the life. That time when we are required to transfer the knowledge among others, do remember "Who we are, Where we come from, Where are we heading to, Why are we here, Why are we doing this? Is this RIGHT or Is this WRONG?"

Doing things, tasks, as Best as we can for the sake of Allah, not for the sake of others, not for our own reputation among others before Allah. The rest, will be rely upon Him to decide, as 'everything and anything' belongs to Him and Him Only.

~Alhamdulillah, selesai satu post's done but it can always be corrected, insyaAllah.

Monday, 2 December 2013

INTEAM - Zikir Doa Husnul Khatimah (Unofficial Music Video)

alhamdulillah, selesai satu post's done but it can always be corrected, insyaAllah.

USTAZ KAZIM ELIAS Sayangi Diri Sendiri

Jangan ucap perkara kotor, pelihara telinga drp perkara haram, pelihara mata drp perkara haram, pelihara fikiran dsb

Allah pelihara diri, keturunan, dll

Mintalah sesuatu drp Allah, jangan minta pd makhluk.

Semuanya datang bila kita buat kerja untuk agama Islam
Pertamanya; sayangi diri dari api neraka

alhamdulillah, selesai satu post's done but it can always be corrected, insyaAllah.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

GPTD: Ahmad Ammar Dalam Kenangan (1993 - 2013)

alhamdulillah, selesai satu post's done but it can always be corrected, insyaAllah.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

New Voki

alhamdulillah, selesai satu post's done but it can always be corrected, insyaAllah.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Selamat Tahun Baru 1435H

Tak seperti bintang di langit 
Tak seperti indah pelangi 
Karena diriku bukanlah mereka 
Ku apa adanya 
Dan wajahku memang begini 
Sikapku jelas tak sempurna 
Ku akui ku bukanlah mereka 
Ku apa adanya *) 
Menjadi diriku 
Dengan segala kekurangan 
Menjadi diriku Atas kelebihanku....... 
Terimalah aku 
Seperti apa adanya 
Aku hanya insan biasa 
Ku pun tak sempurna 
Tetap ku bangga 
Atas apa yang ku punya 
Setiap waktu ku nikmati 
Anugerah hidup yang ku miliki 
Back to *)

alhamdulillah, selesai satu post's done but it can always be corrected, insyaAllah.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Jalan Dakwah-Alarm Me

alhamdulillah, selesai satu post's done but it can always be corrected, insyaAllah.

Video DMP 24

alhamdulillah, selesai satu post's done but it can always be corrected, insyaAllah.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Al-Matsurat : Do'a & Dzikir Pagi Hari (+playlist)

Bismillah. Ramai antara kita yang meninggalkan amalan sunat ini sebaik meninggalkan alam persekolahan mahupun alam kampus. Apalah kiranya kita amalkan sedikit dalam kehidupan seharian. Semoga sentiasa diberkati hidup ini, ameen.

alhamdulillah, selesai satu post's done but it can always be corrected, insyaAllah.

Monday, 30 September 2013

Allahyarham Tan Sri Dato' Seri DiRaja Ustaz Haji Azizan bin Abdul Razak

Bismillah.. This video is recorded by a man who came across this event. On 26th September 2013, Thursday morning, its time when i have just finished my interview (the way they see how we can speak well through the formal radio of the govt). Mum came by to pick me up at RTM Mutiara, Located at Jalan Burma, Georgetown, Penang. The moment i entered our frontier car, i kissed my mums' hand and wish her well as to my beloved cousin and her prince, Muhammad Fahim Nu'man. Then, mum start to tell me that the radio just announced the death of Allahyarham Ustaz Azizan Razak. I was very shock indeed but eventually we came to agree that its all in His will. Nobody can stop it, none could deny it. Drop by to Tok Endon's house in Kg. Makam. Eating nasi with fish curry, lemak pupcuk ubi etc which has been cooked by mum & Tok, very delicious indeed! Alhamdulillah..then performing zuhur prayer before packing to USM and back home after asar prayer. What a day.. I know that the job opportunity is actually might not be suit for me coz i still can have other opportunity in jamaah whereby others who came by to sit for the exam, they dont. Some struggle so hard, others take it easy. And the one who wins is actually very small in amount; only to the chosen one and for those who commit very well in the tasks. Allah loves them so much, more than the love that i could give.. Many reason for us to quit and there's also many reason for us to stay. Learning takes maturity, courage, lots of effort.
Back home, i saw many posts about late allahyarham. Many had gone before us, they are indeed very nice people. May Allah forgive all of us before we return to Him, before the day end..before the death came..ameen. One of the most attractive post i have read is might be in one of english e-newspapers @ news website which is quite famous. But i cant remember the name and actually the post is in Bahasa Malaysia. Ok, that's all for this post. I havent write for so long. Sorry for this unprepared blogging post. Till we met again insyaAllah. Tata

alhamdulillah, selesai satu post's done but it can always be corrected, insyaAllah.

Thursday, 19 September 2013


alhamdulillah, selesai satu post's done but it can always be corrected, insyaAllah.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Uploaded videos (playlist)

alhamdulillah, selesai satu post's done but it can always be corrected, insyaAllah.

Monday, 26 August 2013

Audit Diri

alhamdulillah, selesai satu post's done but it can always be corrected, insyaAllah.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Ustazah Norhafizah Musa-Terapi sujud.

alhamdulillah, selesai satu post's done but it can always be corrected, insyaAllah.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Pengubatan Islam untuk Rabun Mata

alhamdulillah, selesai satu post's done but it can always be corrected, insyaAllah.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Tazkirah Subuh Yang Memberi Keinsafan (Nikmat Paling Besar )

alhamdulillah, selesai satu post's done but it can always be corrected, insyaAllah.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Bicara Selebriti - Kapten Hafiz, Sharifah Khasif, Oki Setiana Dewi [ Full]

alhamdulillah, selesai satu post's done but it can always be corrected, insyaAllah.

Oki Setiana Dewi - Hijab I'm In Love

alhamdulillah, selesai satu post's done but it can always be corrected, insyaAllah.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Friday, 1 March 2013

Bukan Dongeng Islami: Kisah Nyata Kesabaran yang Membuahkan Surga

alhamdulillah, selesai satu post's done but it can always be corrected, insyaAllah.

Monday, 18 February 2013

Thursday, 17 January 2013